Wednesday 30 December 2009


Western society has been sold a bill of goods. We've been sold on the idea that 'Stuff Will Make You Happy'. It won't. It doesn't. It never has.

Let's be clear; poverty sucks. There is a certain minimal level of affluence that will make you happy. That level is: An absence of debt, a roof over your head , clothes on your back and food in your stomach. Go beyond that, as a reason for living, and you're going to get in trouble. The recent world-wide recession was a result of debt-financed consumerism getting out of control. The politicians' answer? More of the same. Rebuilding consumer demand seems to be the mantra for a better life for everybody.

On the run-up to Christmas, all we heard, in the news, was how important it was that the retailers had a good season. This would be the key to unlocking 'growth'. Immediately after Christmas, the same broadcasters are reporting that 30% of people borrowed to finance Christmas, and many of those were still paying off last year's excess. We also hear of a new service to help people with the 'stress and depression', that always seems to prevail 'at this time of year'.

I stand in line at the corner shop and watch pensioners, who must be struggling to live to a basic decent standard, blowing ten pounds on the lottery. Statistics say that they will lose their money - yet they still do it week in, week out.

Then there are the family break-ups caused by people having more house and more car than they can afford. Both parents working full-time 'because they have no choice'. Of course they have a choice. They could live a simpler life. They can stop measuring their achievements by the yardstick of a 'social status' based on conspicuous displays of possessions.

If we all stopped chasing 'stuff', the economic recovery would be in trouble. Who cares? If recovery means being forever doomed to live out an endless cycle of excess followed by misery, perhaps we can do without the 'recovery'.

Fulfilling your potential, taking care of the well-being of those around you, having the time to enjoy your children. These things will make you happy.

Stuff won't ever make you happy. The pursuit of 'stuff' can only bring misery, disappointment and serious damage to the planet.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely spot-on. If your happiness depends solely on material things, which by their very nature are transient, then your happiness will itself be transient. The way I think about it is this: On your death bed, how much money you have in bank or how many cars you have outside your house will mean precisely nothing as you contemplate your last moments on Earth; the only thing that has meaning - the only comfort you can have is knowing that you lived a good life. Your gave it your best shot and took every opportunity to explore and grow.

    Also, owing 1,000's on a credit card or bank loan means you can go to the grave safe in the knowledge that you've stuffed the bastards in the end :-D
