Saturday 10 October 2009


Today we said goodbye to our dog, Billie.

On the ‘laffin-gas’ team roster, her title was ‘moral support’. Was she ever!

When David was battling for his life in hospital it was the long 4am walks in the country park, with the dog haring around after squirrels and rabbits that kept me going.

When David miraculously made it through, and got out of the wheelchair, it was taking the dog for a walk that got him back in shape.

We never heard her snarl or growl in anger. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body. She was probably the purest little soul I’ve ever had the honour to have known.

Her time had come, the years had caught up with her and we had to do the proper thing by her, and it was painful to do.

Now Billie is out in her beloved spinney, forever giving the squirrels a good run.

Farewell, our friend, Billie.

Om Shanti Shanti.

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